Ombudsman service

In case of a dispute with your doctor

In the event of a dispute with your doctor, you can use the ombudsman service of SWISS PLASTIC SURGERY.

The ombudsman service mediates contact between patients and doctors, and supports the parties in finding a solution.

If proceedings have already been initiated (legal action, application to out-of-court panel of experts from the FMH Swiss Medical Association, etc.) mediation is not possible.

Please send enquiries to the ombudsman service in writing to:



In case of a dispute with your health insurance provider

If you are experiencing problems with your health insurance or supplementary insurance provider, you can use the free health insurance ombudsman service (Ombudsstelle der Krankenversicherung).
Contact: 041 226 10 10 (09.00 am - 11.30 am).

Ombudsstelle der Krankenversicherung (Health Insurance Ombudsman Service)